
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Good Bye Angel

Another little girl has left our children's home. Beautiful Angel! Angel is old enough to understand she is gaining a new mommy and daddy and was excited, however being the age she is, 4, she is too young to fully understand. She was a little afraid when she was told she would leave with her parents by herself. Unlike Michael, when it was time to go, she wasn't ready. She spent a long time with our social workers right before she left and they were trying to explain to her what was going on. Therefore, I was not able to get very many pictures. I only snapped a few as they came out of the house and got in the car. One of our social workers drove away with them to help Angel with the transition.


  1. You're welcome :) I wish I could have taken more pics, but Angel was too upset. It was really sad :( They had her good bye party right before she left and with every one crying and telling her how much they would miss her is what the social workers said made her so upset and hard to leave.

  2. yeah totally understandable... but knowing angel, she is smiles ear to ear by now!!
